Monday, November 25, 2019

Math History essays

Math History essays 1. Pythagoreans discover irrational numbers. 532 BC 3. Archimedes determines formulas for the area and volume of a sphere. 250 B.C. 4. Eratosthenes determines the circumferences of Earth. 5. Appollonius studies conic sections. 6. Al-Khowarizmi uses zero. 830 A.D. 7. Rudolff introduces the radical sign. 1525 A.D. 8. Tartaglia solves cubic equations. 1535 A.D. 9. Recorde introduces the equals sign. 1557 A.D. 10. Stevin introduces decimals. 1585 A.D. 11. Harriot introduces the inequality signs. 1610 A.D. 12. Napier invents logarithms. 1614 A.D. 13. Oughtred invents the slide rule. 1630 A.D. 14. Descartes creates analytic geometry. 1637 A.D. 15. Fermat leaves last theorem. 1647 A.D. 16. Pascal and Fermat discuss theory of probability in their correspondence. 1654 A.D. 17. Newton invents calculus. 1665 A.D. 18. Leibniz invents calculus. 1675 A.D. 19. Wallace introduces the symbol for infinity(Â ¥). 1685 A.D. 20. Saccheri writes Euclid Freed of Every Flaw. 1733 A.D. 21. Goldbach states famous conjecture. 1742 A.D. 22. Euler shows that epi + 1 = 0. 1748 A.D. 23. Agnesi writes foundations of Analysis. 1748 A.D. 24. Lambert proves p is irrational. 1768 A.D. 25. Argand graphs imaginary numbers. 1806 A.D. 26. Gauss determines the convergence of infinite series. 27. Godel publishes incompleteness theorems. 1831 A.D. 28. Galois writes about group theory. 1832 A.D. 29. Lovelace describes how to program Babbages Analytical Engine. 1842 A.D. 30. Riemann creates elliptic geometry. 1854 A.D. 31. Mobius strip is discovered. 1858 A.D. 32. Kovalevski is the first woman to earn a doctorate in mathematics. 1874 A.D. 33. Cantor creates transfinite numbers. 1895 A.D. 34. Whitehead and Russell write Principia Mathematica. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Essay Example While this might be unthinkable in the United States, there is no good reason for it to be so. Many American officers are now comparing their own army to international ones and determining that it is time to bring American practices more in line with practices around the world. These countries’ experience shows that an army does not fall apart when homosexuals are allowed the serve openly; there are no reported negative effects whatsoever. One of the main reasons that other countries allow homosexuals to serve openly is because courts have recognized that homosexuals have the right to be free of discrimination. In Canada, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees freedom from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. It simply isn’t possible to deny homosexuals the right to serve their country. These legal reasons have been recognized in other countries too and form the basis for many countries’ rejection of similar don’t ask, don’t tell policies. In the United States such rights have not yet been granted. There is still a big argument about gay marriage which shows no sign of being resolved any time soon. America appears to be a more culturally divided country on the issue of homosexuality. That may be the way it is, but that is not a very good reason to deny a person the opportunity to serve their country because of an immutable characteristic that really has no connection wi th the morale or standards of the troupe. The argument against giving homosexuals such rights holds little water. The American army is currently fighting two big wars: one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. It is short of soldiers and needs more. Since the don’t ask, don’t tell policy came into effect, thousands of soldiers have been forced to leave service. This is not right. The military needs more soldiers. Disallowing the service of homosexuals reduces the number of soldiers too

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Outsourcing - Essay Example Subsequently, organizations attempting to compete globally in the 1970s and 1980s were handicapped by a lack of agility that resulted from bloated management structures (Corbett, 1996). However, most organisations were not totally self sufficient; they outsourced those functions for which they had no competency internally. Publishers, for example, have often purchased composition, printing, and fulfillment services. The use of external suppliers for these essential but ancillary services might be termed the baseline stage in the evolution of outsourcing. The main business purpose for outsourcing is to enhance the value of an organization's offerings to its customers (Earl, 1996). In the electronics industry, increased market competition identifies continuous adjustment and improvement in the production lines, outsourcing and supply chain management of companies. Interdependence and participation of suppliers and manufacturers in product design, innovation, as well as research and development characterize the current international business environment resulting to market volatility (Sobrero & Roberts, 2001; Appleyard, 2003). These organizations usually share proprietary corporate data with external suppliers and partners while ensuring maximum security to enhance efficiency across the product lifecycle by streamlining procurement, production, fulfilment, and distribution processes (Katsikeas, Schlegelmilch & Skarmeas, 2002) which requires integration of applications and data across multiple geographically dispersed supply chain partners, as well as internal integration with legacy systems (Katsikeas, Schlegelmilch & Skarmeas, 2002; Appleyard, 2003). Benefits Outsourcing manufacturing is one of vital business and supply chain strategies which are one way companies are revolutionising business operations to deliver better products faster at lowest cost possible (Domberger, 1998). It is a kind of supply chain collaboration model and strategic alliance approach, which allows the OEMs to concentrate on product development, sales and marketing (Bounfour, 2003). It eventually helps business organisations to gain competitive advantage of increased product availability, reduced inventory; minimized total logistics cost and rapidly introduce their product to market without a significant investment in plans for capital equipment (Arnold, 2000). Normally, there are two types of outsourced services, technology and business process. Each can be inert partial to the subsequent areas. The first type of outsourcing is the technology services. This type covers the electronic commerce (e-commerce), infrastructure (networks), software (applications), telecommunications and website development and hosting. The second type of outsourcing is the business process outsourcing. Under this type of outsourcing are customer contacts (customer relations management), equipment, finance/accounting, human resources, logistics, procurement/supply chain management and security. Lee et al (2002) stated that there have three major outsourcing drivers: (a) economic - expense reductions, cost control and

Monday, November 18, 2019

A Correlation between Unequal Power Relations and the Way Language is Assignment

A Correlation between Unequal Power Relations and the Way Language is Used - Assignment Example The second of the three stages is all the more important because it has a lot to do with one’s spontaneity and judgment which ultimately become the major deciding factors in making the communication successful and effective. That is how the world draws the line of distinction between ‘great orators/authors’ and the mediocre and the bad. The choice of words, however, is a function of one’s instincts, emotions, and needs. The desire to dominate, to control, to feel powerful is a universal instinct that defies the boundaries of time and space. It is, therefore, not at all surprising that this basic instinct, or rather a base instinct, successfully manages to creep into all human transactions and manifests itself, more noticeably in the process of verbal communication. But, at the same time, the need to ‘get things done’ is also a matter of uppermost concern, and its importance cannot be understated. It is this factor that has the power to suppress the urge to dominate; it makes one willing to subordinate himself in a transaction. In any given instance, it is either the urge to dominate or the need to subordinate that finally stays, and it is decided by the prevailing equation of power in the given context. It boils down to the conclusion that â€Å"our words are never neutral; they carry the power that reflects the interests of those who speak or write.† (John Fiske, 1994; Fowler, et. al., 1979) An interesting quality of dominant discourse is that it usually represents and reinforces the interests of the elite section of the society. Professor Sue L. T. McGregor, in Critical Discourse Analysis – A Primer, says, â€Å"One of the central attributes of dominant discourse is its power to interpret conditions, issues, and events in favor of the elite.†   

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The significance of the social classes concept

The significance of the social classes concept Andersen Taylor (2007) define class mobility as the movement between different classes. This type of mobility can either be downward or upward in nature. Social classes are cultural or economical arrangements of groups within a society. Class becomes a very crucial object that political scientists, sociologists, economists, social historians, and anthropologists use for their various analysis purposes. Within social sciences, the social class is usually talked over by considering social stratification. In the Western world, stratification particularly includes upper class, middle class, and lower class and each of the three classes can be further classified into occupational classes (Edgell, 1993). In a number of societies, particularly in the United States, the concept of class mobility is a very significant social idea, with her citizens considering that every individual has got a chance to climb up the social class ladder. An individuals social class can be determined by a number of factors for instance, occupation, education, wealth or access to money, and race. These are very crucial factors that place people within different social classes within any given society particularly the societies in the Western world. The factor such as race can bring about a help or a hindrance for class mobility depending on an individuals race and the society in consideration, as well as culture, manners, and the family history. In some societies for example, an individual who has a lot of liquid money might be regarded as being in upper class, while in other societies, this individual might not be considered to belong to the upper class owing to other factors such as the individuals occupation and family history. An example in this case is a pawnbroker who has done very well, but might not belong to the upper class in spite of having a lot of money like a famous banker, while the children of the pawnbroker might possi bly join the upper class as they may develop most prestigious occupations (Andersen Taylor, 2007). As seen, most of the Western nations are generally divided into lower, middle, and upper class. Each of these classes has its own characteristic features which differentiates it from the other classes. The lower class is characteristic of laborers who earn low income as they acquired limited education, and this makes the individuals in the class to acquire only few opportunities for economic or educational progress. At times, a member of the lower class may have a lot of money just like the member in the topmost class, but still will be classified under lower class because the family background or the occupation that he or she is engaged in. The members within the middle class are seen to be economically stable having attained more educational opportunities. As well in the middle class, the individuals have got increased social opportunities due to the idea that their class status is elevated. The upper class forms the stratum the social structure with lowest population of individual s. This class constitutes individuals with well established social positions including increased prestige as well as better economic security (Saunders, 1990). In most of the societies within the Western world, the goal of individuals within the lower and middle classes is the upward class mobility as they believe that higher social classes are more socially and economically secure. Achieving the class mobility can be done through various ways for instance; an individual who is attempting to attain class mobility can aggressively pursue social and educational opportunities while another individual can center on laying the groundwork so that the future generations of his or her family will find themselves in the highest social class stratum. An example in this case, is an individual in the lower or middle class, who works very hard to acquire college fees to ensure that his or her children have chances which would no be attained (Ferrante, 2007). Within some societies, individuals experience downward class mobility as well. Downward class mobility becomes a great fear among many people who usually feel that their social ranks are unstable. Experiencing a radical change in fortunes may become an indication for a family which belongs to a higher class to fall down within the class stratification, usually when the changes persevere over many subsequent generations. Those individuals who experience downward class mobility are usually exposed to a good deal of prejudice from individuals within the former social stratum as well as the individuals within the social class in which they end up. With different generations in the world, social class mobility can either occur within or across the generation. The type of social class mobility that occurs within a generation is referred to as intra-generational mobility while the social class mobility that occurs across generations is called inter-generational mobility (Saunders, 1990). Intra-generational mobility can be defined as the changes regarding social status within a single lifetime. This type of mobility occurs within a given generation. Intergenerational mobility can be defined as the changes regarding social status that happen from the parents generation to the generation of their children. Thus the intergenerational mobility occurs across a number of generations. The definitions are very crucial during the analysis concerning the manner in which social status change from a given time period to another, as well as whether the social status of parents can determine an individuals own social status. In most case, sociologists usually center on the intergenerational mobility since this is the easiest in depicting changes across generations when compared to the intra-generational mobility. The sociologists use this information to determine if inequality within a given culture changes with time (Jr, 2009). Intergenerational mobility is merit based as well as non-merit based. In this case, it is the ability and hard work which influences social mobility. Parents race, wealth, luck, and gender can also affect the intergenerational mobility. Intergenerational mobility focuses on how parents can influence their childrens social mobility. Quality education is very important since the children can obtain highest marks and therefore gain prestige. Parents can as well make significant connections with those people who belong to higher social classes so that their social network will become wider. These parents who form their childrens social capital tend to increase the social mobility of the children. Recent researchers have collected relevant data concerning the families economic mobility across generations. The researchers have considered the probability of attaining a given income distribution in relation to where the parents were socially positioned. According to the researchers, 42 perce nt of the children whose parents were in the lowest quintile end up in the bottom quintile; 23 percent of the children ended up in the second quintile; 19 percent of the children ended up in the middle quintile; 11 percent of them end up in the fourth quintile; and 6 percent ended up in the topmost quintile (Goldthorpe, 2006). The social upward mobility becomes difficulty due to some given barriers. Education is a very important factor which can enhance or hinder upward mobility depending on how an individual has attained in it. Those individuals who achieve lowly in their academics do not usually continue with higher education such that they find themselves no where in the competitive world education wise during the time of searching for the prestigious white collar jobs. The lowly educated individuals engage themselves in the lowly paying jobs which are a characteristic of low class. Without taking a step in advancing the educational status, these individuals continue being in the lowest social class. Poverty is another factor which hinders social upward mobility, in that, the children inmost poor families do not develop enough in terms of psychological and behavioral development. Families also affect their childrens social mobility, in that; some families do not adopt strategies to support the children for instance, access to social, cultural, and financial capital as well as social networks of contact to access prestigious opportunities (Andersen Taylor, 2006). Factors like higher attainment in education enable individuals to move from lower social classes to the topmost class, since they can secure well paying jobs. Parents in well-off families who might be in the middle class, encourages their children to get into the topmost class as they ensure their children get sufficient psychological and behavioral development. Parents in some families adopt some strategies to support their children, for example access to social, cultural, and financial capital. The parents also have good social networks of contact which they use to access the most valued opportunities (Andersen Taylor, 2006).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Benjamin Franklin :: Biography Biographies Benjamin Franklin Essays

Benjamin Franklin In his many careers as a printer, moralist, essaylist, civic leader, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, and philosopher, Benjamin Franklin Became both a spokesman and a model for the national character of later generations of Americans. After less than two years of formal schooling, Franklin was pressed into his father's trade. At the age of 16, Franklin wrote some pieces in a courant,"Silence Dogwood." Though penniless and unknown, Franklin soon found a job as a printer. Aafter a year he went to England, where he became a master printer, sowed some wild oats, astonished Londoners with his swimming feats, and lived among the famous writers of London. In 17227, Franklin began his career as a civic leader by organizing a club of aspiring tradesmen called the JJunto, which met each week for discussion and planning. Franklin began yet another career when in 1740 he invented the Pennsylvania fireplace, later called the Franklin stove, which soon heated buildings all over Europe and North America. He also read treaties on electricity and and began a series of experiments with his friends in Philadelphia. Experiments he proposed, first tried in France in 1752, showed that lightning was in fact a form of el! ectricity. Later that year his famous kite experiment, in which he flew a kite with the wire attached to a key during a thunderstorm. His later achievements included formulating a theory of heat absorption, measuring Gulf Stream, designing ships, tracking storm paths, and inventing bifocal lenses. In 1751, Franklin was elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly, causing the beginning of nearly 40 years as a puublic official. At home from 1762 to 1764, Franklin traveled throghout the colonies, reorganizing the AAmerican postal system. He also built aa new house on Market Street in Philadelphia, now reconstructed and open to visitors, and otherwise provided for his family. From April 1775 to October 1776, Franklin served on the Pennsylvania Committee of Safety and in the Continental Congress, submitted articles of confederation for the united colonies, proposed a new constitution for Pennsylvania, and helped draft the Decclaration of Independence.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Colonial Politics and Democracy

Democracy is a much contested concept. Its notion differs with reference to the type of government a state employs. But in general sense, democracy pertains to a type of government in which the role and the involvement of every individual are very significant. The term democracy actually is derived from the Greek word demos which means ‘people’, and from kratos which means ‘rule’. In other words, democracy entails a form of government that is ruled by the people themselves. (Tilly, 2007)It is said that democratization has been one of the impending features of globalization. (Ray & Kaarbo, 2004) Regarding this, states and nations are beginning to patronize the underlying and the basic principles of democracy. But prior to the concept of globalization, colonial politics had been one of the first mechanisms used to promote democracy.  (Andrews, 2001)Some defined features of colonial politics that help the rise and institutionalization of democracy to other st ates and nations in the world include the idea that ‘power and authority’ should not be bestowed to a single person for that person has this tendency of abusing his obtained power and authority. Conversely, those countries who abide by the principles of democracy divided or distributed both power and authority to three branches of the government, namely: the executive, legislature and judiciary.Through this structure, checks and balances are very much possible. Another defining mark of colonial politics is the method of ‘governorship’ wherein power and authority is distributed among the elected or delegated governors. These governors rule state provinces. Lastly, the process of election is inherent in a democratic form of government. In this method, every citizen has the right to vote for whom he or she thinks fit to rule.  (Lijphart, 1999)The significance of these features of colonial politics really contributed to the rise of democracy. They show that t he role and involvement of every individual are the integral part of democracy. Hence, it should be first arranged and managed by the government in order for the state to function as really democratic.Reference:Andrews, C. M. (2001). Colonial Self-Government, 1652-1689. Adamant Media Corporation.Lijphart, A. (1999). Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries. Yale University Press.Ray, J. L., & Kaarbo, J. (2004). Global Politics (8th ed ed.). Houghton Mifflin Company.Tilly, C. (2007). Democracy (First ed ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Roosevelt was bold Essay Example

Roosevelt was bold Essay Example Roosevelt was bold Essay Roosevelt was bold Essay We will review this statement and in conclusion we will agree or disagree with it. Using the sources to support and justify our argument. Roosevelt succeeded Hoover as President, on his assassination in 1901. Roosevelt became very popular and became famous for tackling business monopolies, and initiating the conservation of natural resources to cut down on unemployment. He also won the Nobel Peace Prize. He was born to a wealthy, upper class merchant and was well educated and attended Harvard where he developed political interests. There is no doubt and we can immediately agree with the first three points of the title because Roosevelt was certainly a bold man however the last, but he was not bold enough, is thoroughly disputable and can be argued with the use of the sources. When we look at source A we can not extract much useful information in relevance to the title. The letter is an extremely small example of the 5000 to 8000 letters that Roosevelt received every day. The letter is from a citizen euphorically thanking the president for stopping the reposition of their house. This shows that Roosevelt had support and was interested in the community. Also it shows that the Roosevelt US is a good place but it does not show anything about how bold FDR was. The source is a reliable primary source and so is reliable but does not show us anywhere near the whole picture. The source is also not useful because it bears no resemblance to the title but does show some aspects of Roosevelt and his popularity. Source B is photographic and so is totally reliable although is subtly limited by its medium. The picture is also probably a propaganda piece showing the caring president taken the effort to spend time with the poor, working class. It was taken at a time when unemployment was at an all time high and it shows the people the good effect of the new deal employment schemes. It shows that he was bold appearing in public with the working class and mixing classes as he was from an upper class family. Everyone is smiling in the photo, which projects a good image of the president. The photo shows that FDR was bold but shows no limits to this boldness. The graph in source B is the first good example of Roosevelts boldness. The unemployment levels peak in 1933 at the time of the Wall Street crash and also around the time that FDR came to power. Roosevelt is bold enough to spend very much state money on employment schemes in his new deal and this works because the levels of unemployment fall, not dramatically but slowly. He keeps up this government spending until 1937 and at this point he cuts the funds and the unemployment figures rise sharply. This completely agrees with the title. It shows that he was bold to spend the money on these schemes and he told everyone what he was doing, but as soon as the situation had improved he was not bold enough to keep up the funding on the employment schemes. This source is reliable because it is totally compiled of facts. It is also useful because it shows each aspect of the title and agrees with it. The next source, D is an example of the opposition to Roosevelt in the form of unemployment and benefit figures. The company would have published this document to raise an opposition against FDR. The problem that this American company clearly has with the presidency is the fact that acts were passed to disenable companies to employ any form of cheap labour in the form of child labour or pensioners. They are also getting at the fact and are making out that Roosevelt is a lazy public school boy who would prefer to be fishing than running the country. This shows that Roosevelt was bold to bring in these acts to prevent cheap labour but does not show that he was not bold enough. This source is not reliable because it uses fictional figures. It does however have the use of showing us the mood of employers in and around 1936 but this bears little relevance to the question. Next we can see that source E is clearly reliable and factual clearly from the fact that it is taken from a textbook. Although an American text book there is no market for a non-factual, bias textbook. In this source it speaks of care and confidence, which are both, characterised in boldness. It supports the second phrase in the title by speaking of his fireside chats press conferences and endless mail. We can see communication and boldness in this source there appears to be no lack of boldness. This source is extremely useful and because it is so reliable it can almost singularly back up my argument. It is certain and made even clearer with the use of these few sources that Roosevelt was definitely a bold man. We can also now say though in conclusion that there is no evidence in these sources that there was any limitation to Roosevelts boldness and courage. We can safely say therefore that; Roosevelt was bold. He told people what he was going to do. And he did it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Comprar ropa de marca barata en NY

Comprar ropa de marca barata en NY Si, en general, Estados Unidos, es la meca de las compras, Nueva York, en particular, es el paraà ­so, a pesar de tener un impuesto a las ventas que se encuentra entre los ms altos del paà ­s. Una de las mejores formas para comprar ropa de marca barata son las sample sales.  ¿Quà © son las sample sales y cunto se ahorra? En las sample sales en sentido estricto los diseà ±adores venden artà ­culos que nunca se llegaron a vender en tienda. Pueden ser, por ejemplo, prototipos para el showroom para compradores o dueà ±os de tiendas o ejemplos que se fabricaron para testar su aceptacià ³n o productos fabricados que se quedaron en stock porque no llegaron a venderse a tiendas. Generalmente los diseà ±adores hacen dos o tres samples sales al aà ±o, si bien algunos showrooms estn abiertos continuamente. Los artà ­culos en un sample sale deben costar como un 50 por ciento menos que un artà ­culo igual o semejante en tienda, si se trata de ropa. A veces el gran problema con los sample sales de ropa son los tallajes. Si son modelos de pasarela para mujer, esperar talla 0 de Estados Unidos. Si es para showroom, entre talla 4 y la 6. Si son accesorios, la rebaja pude ser de entre el 50 y el 70 por ciento. Los bienes que se compran en un sample sale son de la temporada actual o de la siguiente, por lo que es posible estar comprando en agosto ropa de invierno y en enero de verano. Cà ³mo saber en quà © lugar se celebra una sample sale en Nueva York y de quà © diseà ±ador Para estar al dà ­a sobre sample sales puntuales, se puede obtener informacià ³n en las siguientes pginas web: Esta es una tienda de 5,000 pies cuadrados ubicada en un bajo en la Quinta Avenida entre las calles 28 y 29. Cambia continuamente de marcas. Es un muy interesante que realiza sample sales para marcas como J.Crew, Calypso, Elie Tahari, Diptyque, La Perla, etc. Para estar al dà ­a es posible anotarse o seguirlos en las redes sociales. Brinda informacià ³n sobre showrooms, sample y warehouse sales. Desde cierres de tiendas con grandes descuentos a alta costura. Admite suscripciones para ser alertados por email por $50 al aà ±o. Para turistas ofrece la posibilidad de anotarse por sà ³lo una semana por $8 (admite pagos por paypal). Ofrecen en su local sample sales de fabricantes como J.Crew, Jacadi, Helmut Lang, Theory o Tory Burch. Suscripcià ³n gratuita para recibir informacià ³n de ventas actuales y futuras. Es una de las mejores fuentes de informacià ³n sobre todo tipo de compras a precio rebajado. Brinda la posibilidad de suscripcià ³n gratuita con acceso limitado o de pago con mayor informacià ³n y de ultimà ­sima hora.Sample, warehouse, retail, charity sales y tambià ©n discount, consigment y outlet. Shop Gotham Garment District Walking Tour. Este es realmente un tour por el Distrito de la Moda. Tiene un costo de $70 por persona pero es una forma de acceder con guà ­a a showrooms y samples sales a los que de otro modo no es posible. Se recomienda preguntar antes sobre quà © cubre el tour para asegurarse que interesa (ya que los gustos de todos no son los mismos). Brinda suscripcià ³n gratis para recibir correos electrà ³nicos con ofertas. Incluye no sà ³lo Nueva York sino tambià ©n Nueva Jersey y Connecticut. Sus listas incluyen moda, novias, viajes, productos gourmet, belleza, decoracià ³n e incluso eventos. Consejos para tener à ©xito en las sample sales Hay que saber la direccià ³n exacta. Las ventas pueden tener lugar en almacenes u oficinas sin letreros.Las mejores horas para comprar son a primera hora (ms mercancà ­a) o a à ºltima (precios ms rebajados). La peor hora es la del almuerzo.Salvo excepciones, las ventas son finales. Esto quiere decir que no habr cambios.  Informarse sobre si es posible probar la ropa. No siempre hay probadores.Ir con dinero en efectivo ya que no siempre se aceptan tarjetas de crà ©dito o dà ©bito. Otras formas de obtener ropa de marca con precios rebajados Grandes almacenes Bloomingdale ´s. El Centro de visitantes (Visitor ´s Center) est ubicado en el balcà ³n (balcon) del primer piso (en EEUU el primer piso es el de la entrada).  Por compras superiores a $50 cada visitante tiene derecho a un regalo. Ahà ­ tambià ©n se puede solicitar ayuda con un personal shopper, con traductores, compra de tickets para eventos o restaurantes y cambio de moneda. Adems, puede solicitarse que se envà ­e las compras al hotel (si se gastà ³ ms de $250 puede ser gratis). Century 21 en el Centro Financiero pero tambià ©n en otras ubicaciones. Hay que buscar, pero se encuentran grandes cosas. Cada planta est repleta de turistas (y locales). FAO Schwarz Toy Store. Se puede solicitar gratuitamente un personal shopper, es una manera de evitar largas colas en à ©pocas de fiestas. Es posible solicitar que envà ­en las compras al hotel, pero hay que pagar una tarifa. Adems, previo pago de $40 por persona se puede hacer un tour de la tienda antes de la apertura, estando incluido el desayuno. Macys. Los turistas internacionales pueden obtener un 11 por ciento de descuento en todas sus compras. Presentar el pasaporte en el Visitor ´s Center, que est situado en la mezzanine (entrada por Sexta Avenida con la calle 34). Outlets El gran outlet para comprar ropa y otros artà ­culos de marca es Woodbury Common Premium Outlet, a una hora en auto de la ciudad de Nueva York. Preguntar en los hoteles. Tambià ©n es posible ir en bus desde Port Authority. Si se consigue un librito de cupones para mayores descuentos, no dudar en utilizarlos. A tener en cuenta Antes de comprar verificar que realmente es una buena compra. Comparar precios en comprar productos como cmaras fotogrficas o de video considerar BH, en la octava avenida con la calle 34. Es un comercio de gran prestigio y precios ajustados que ofrece la posibilidad de garantà ­as internacionales. Tener presente que est regentado por judà ­os ortodoxos y, por lo tanto, est cerrado el sbado. (Incluso no es posible comprar en su pgina web desde que cae el sol el viernes hasta que acaba el sabbath).Estados Unidos pone un là ­mite en la cantidad de dinero en efectivo que se pueden traer al paà ­s sin declarar en las aduanas. Pero jams pone un là ­mite a lo que un extranjero se puede gastar en compras en el paà ­s.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Observation paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Observation paper - Essay Example This paper discusses the basis of females making use of a gym setting and how they are able to reap success through the differing standards which are in common use in the times like today. It has been observed that within a gym setting, not many women feel comfortable. This is because they believe that unwanted people are staring at them for peculiar reasons. Then again, there are women who generally disconnect with the world around them and concentrate on getting fit and healthy. Their gym exercises are such that they rely on them alone without thinking about anything else. Within a gym setting, females usually feel insecure because they are a victim of their own gender. They have no clue why men look at them and would like to know what is so special about them that makes the women clan feel down. However, this does not imply for all men being like that. There are some handful of men who want the women to feel subjugated for ulterior motives that they have best knowledge about. I found out within a gym setting that a female was being constantly harassed by a group of men who were also training with her. I discerned that there was a mess which was entirely under the aegis of gender that needed to be taken care of. The woman under consideration was not wary of how shabbily the men were talking about her. All she felt was that the men did not look at her in a dignified manner. She knew something or the other was fishy that made her conspicuous of the entire scenario at the gym (Hurley, 1996). She tried changing her stance to let the men know that she was watching but the men were bent upon creating a scene for all the wrong reasons. Some thing or the other needed to be done about it and so did this woman go up to the gym manager and complained about the men present in the gym as they were creating a scene for reasons best known to them. When they were inquired about the gender harassment that they were indulging into, they completely

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Accounting Class, pick topic below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Accounting Class, pick topic below - Essay Example While some individuals intend to work for as long as they can, particularly because idleness and loss of accustomed status can bring depression, illness, and even early death, it is always pleasant to contemplate that one has a nest egg to fall back on when a contingency or extreme need for money arises. "Whatever your situation - even if you want to continue working - youll need to do some planning for the future." (Shwab-Pomerantz & Schwab, 2002). Thus everyone should begin to plan for retirement even during the first few years of employment or starting a business. Retirement planning, according to the Small Business Encyclopedia, describes the financial strategies individuals employ during their working years to ensure that they will meet their goals for financial security upon retirement. This applies to self-employed persons, small business owners, and employees of companies large and small (Retirement planning, SBE) Retirement planning was unknown prior to the twentieth century because the US national economy and presumably the economies in other parts of the world were still predominantly agrarian. Farmers toiling in the fields continued to work until they could no longer do physical labor, and transferred ownership and management of their properties to their eldest children in return for services to them during their old age (US History Encyclopedia). Even with the onset of industrialization, there were still a limited number of employees, and farming continued to dominate as a means of livelihood. As workers aged, they continued to work using their skills and wisdom in lieu of strength and stamina to remain employed in their later years. (Retirement planning, US) Later, because of concerns about productivity and efficiency in the workplace, it was deemed necessary to replace aging workers with young and strong ones. There was concern and apprehension about these